Admissions are open for new session 2017-18. Admission Form are available at institute campus.
About us
Exam & Evaluations
A Word of Caution
General Guidance
<style type="text/css"> h3, p, li, td{ color:#20292f; font-family: 'verdana', sans-serif; } p, li, td{ font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400; word-spacing:1px; line-height: 26px; } .justify{ text-align:justify; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="span3"> <div class="picture"> <a href="https://az704457.vo.msecnd.net/img/esstoragesv2/55563_bc42.png" rel="image" title="Image Title"> <img src="https://az704457.vo.msecnd.net/img/esstoragesv2/55563_bc42.png" alt="" style="width:100%;"> </a> </div> <h5 class="entry-title entry-title-portfolio">Er. SUKHDEV<br>Physics Lecturer</h5> </div> <div class="span5"> <p class="justify"><b>Dear Parents,</b></p> <p class="justify"><b>With regards,</b></p> <p class="justify">An educational institution is a place where young growing babies minds are molded, nurtured and nourished, Apex Academy Sr. Sec. School is an innovation institution which provides a pleasant and creative environment to create new generation with characters, integrity and right attitude. It is devoted for the enlightenment of young mind through right education & healthy environment.</p> </div> </div> <p class="justify">We feel highly obliged by your unconditional support and understanding toward us. We are absolutely committed to give our best for the good growth of each and every child. We will try to inculcate the virtues of being a rational, ethical, cultured spiritual and visioned entity.</p> <p class="justify">We are fortunate to get this opportunity as God has helped us to grow and glow in every aspects of life. We wish to thank God for his countless blessing on each of us and hope that our children will excel in all better aspects of life.</p> <p class="justify">Children are Precious, they are our future and they need continues, all the help, and guidance to be able to find their feet. We hope together, we play a constructive role in this journey and assist them to reach full potential.</p> <p class="justify">Apex academy school was established in 2005 with 50 students. Presently near about 2200 students are studying in this school. This is due to hard work of our teachers and their honest guidance to children. Our school is spread in Huge area.All classrooms are fully ventilated, airy and spacious. Good quality and adequate furniture are arrange in all classes. It is a secular institution where children of all religions and creeds receive liberal education.</p> <p class="justify"><b>Thanks</b></p>
About us
Exam & Evaluations
A Word of Caution
General Guidance
Medium: Hindi, English
Classes: Higher
StreamType: Science, Arts, Commerce
InstituteType: School
Management: Private
Facilities: ScienceLab